QA settings: formatting - language dependent checks

The language dependent checks verify whether the rules specified in the Language settings are followed.

Corrupt characters

Whenever QA Distiller encounters a character that does not appear in the predefined set of allowed characters for a certain language, an error is diplayed. QA Distiller can perform a check on the source and/or target segment.


Required/Forbidden spaces: QA Distiller checks whether spaces are used acording to the rules specified in the Spacing tab in the Language settings.


  • Number formatting: QA Distiller checks if numbers are correctly formatted according to the language settings.
  • Number value: QA Distiller checks for number discrepancies between source and target.

Quotation marks

  • Non-matching pairs: QA Distiller checks if quotation marks come in pairs. It checks if every opening quotation mark has a closing quotation mark and vice versa.
  • Incorrect type: QA Distiller checks if the correct types have been used, specified in the language settings.
  • Different count: QA Distiller checks if the same number of quotations marks is used between source and target.
Note: QA Distiller only counts the number of quotation marks if they are valid for that language, meaning the quotation marks that are specified in the language settings.

Measurement system

  • Incorrect type: QA Distiller checks if the measurement system that is specified in the Language settings has been used.
  • Check conversions: QA Distiller checks if the conversion between measurement values has been done correctly.