QA settings: formatting - language independent checks


  • Consecutive spaces: QA Distiller looks for two or more consecutive white spaces. White spaces are indicated using their Unicode value. A normal space, for example, is represented by [0020] and a hard space by [00A0].
  • Inconsistent leading and trailing spaces: QA Distiller checks if the use of white spaces at the beginning or end of the segment is the same in source and target.


  • Consecutive punctuation marks: QA Distiller looks for two or more consecutive punctuation marks. Also, you get an error whenever QA Distiller finds an ellipsis in the target that is not present in the source.
  • End of segment punctuation: QA Distiller checks if the end of segment punctuation in source and target segment are identical. You can choose to ignore trailing brackets and quotation marks.


  • Non-matching pairs: QA Distiller checks if every opening bracket has a closing bracket.
  • Different count: QA Distiller checks if the same number of bracket pairs is used in source and target.


Different count: QA Distiller looks for explicit tab characters in the target. They are represented by their Unicode value: [0009].


QA Distiller checks whether initial or entire capitalisation of source and target are identical.