Types of log files

You can save a report of all the errors that QA Distiller found in your files.

The log file lists, in addition to a detailed overview of the errors, additional information on processing time, processed files, QA settings, error types and number of errors.

You can create the following types of log files:
  • Full result log: a *.qadresult log that contains all the information about discarded and fixed errors in binary format. You can reload this log type without having to reprocess your file by clicking File > Open result log or by dragging it to the Input files pane.
  • Full error log: a log that contains the parameter settings and the complete error list that was generated by QA Distiller.
  • Genuine error log: a log that contains the parameter settings and the genuine errors (errors that have not been discarded).
  • Parameter settings log: a log that only contains the parameter settings.
Note: The type of log file that you want to create impacts the format of the log file.